They're used to being guarded by taller players and scoring against them. They hit open threes, step-back fall-aways, scoop shots, and looping hook shots that somehow usually go in. If you don't take them seriously, they'll beat you.
We need to take them seriously.
Cal is much improved. Their whole roster shows tons of off-season dedication and hard work. They're 9 and 2 so far overall with losses to SMU and Notre Dame. Jayda Curry is still their leading scorer, but Kemery Martin, Evelien Lutje Schipholt, and Leilani McIntosh are now double digit scorers. Two common opponents for our team and theirs this season are Pacific and CSUN. They beat Pacific by 17 and we beat them by 54. They beat CSUN by 30 and we beat them by 64.
We need to come out strong and take control.
Malcolm, you are such a good writer, but your description of the Creighton players "stout, slow-footed, vertically challenged non-athletic white girls" surprised and disappointed me. Since the FBC site is open to anyone, I sure hope their coach, players and fans do not read your post. I know you could have chosen other words that were not offensive. On a positive note, the rest of your post was spot-on as Creighton exposed some of our weaknesses.